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Curves weight loss success -

21-12-2016 à 20:11:59
Curves weight loss success
You are an amazing woman and a great inspiration. The women on there definitely did not sign a contract because the pics were taken from instagram. or worse, a droopy butt that looks even worse than when you carried more weight. You probably noticed that none of them look like stereotypical bodybuilders. Cutting calories is NOT the best way to burn fat. Our teeth are not white enough, our hair is not the right color, and heaven forbid that our pits sweat once in a while. People who thought the odds were stacked against them because they had no time. Second, congrats on maintaining your integrity, and sharing it with us. All fitness magazine, website and videos only show rock hard abs after losing XX amount of weight. I did it to make people think about how the media portrays the ideal body. And you already stated that other people have been in bikinis. Thank you. I hope that messages like mine and other reach young girls everywhere. I have lost 100lbs, and have probably 75 to go after swearing off exercise for about 15 years. It shows the reality of weight loss and its scars. Would love to see success stories like yours published with the details that I mentioned so people could truly see the real benefits of weight loss and fitness. Like you said men are women are extremely after aesthetics. Another thing stood out to me: Food is integral. We definitely need more mags showing real women. No one needs to think your physical body is beautiful. I wanted to get people thinking about the media and maybe changing it. The reason I think I look amazing in a bikini is because I have the inner beauty to feel confident in one. I think people would be more disappointed and lose interest that way. Think of the third element - the right cardio - as a Fat burning ACCELERATOR. Glad you were enjoying yourself at the pub. What kind of protein shakes and stacks are killing your brain cells. The goal-setting and mindset part of the program also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible. Although I am wowed by your amazing success, I agree with shape. No one but a fellow 300 lb woman would understand that as much as I hate being so fat, and I dislike how I look fat, I was also TERRIFIED that if I went through all the trouble, pain, and want of losing the 170 some lbs I really should lose, that I would STILL LOOK TERRIBLE, with empty fat and skin all over. And it is very true that society has this ideal beauty thing. This story actually helped me get a better idea as to what most people actually look like and I feel more inspired to keep going instead of giving up. Oh well, at least I have this platform to share my story. For nearly everyone else, they had shirts, workout clothes, etc. You are just the warrior I needed to hear from. I work as a Weight Watchers leader, a weight loss business itself. The Newest Burn the Fat program that you can get today is still based on the same bodybuilder-inspired nutrition and training strategies that I developed for personal clients, who expected, no - demanded - success, and those clients have been achieving success with these principles since 1989. I completely agree with you wholeheartedly on your outlook in regards to this. People in your position are the reason I posted this. Most of us are most critical of our bodies in the nude. And you are trying to impose your personal tastes on the entire population, which is pretty clueless. Shape magazine and all other fitness magazines do indeed portray unrealistic expectations. I am so appreciative that you stood up for your body and shared your story. As for the side show comment, that was rude, try to be a bit more respectful. You are an awesome role model for women everywhere. So I started eating and working out in a certain way - and it was pretty clear I was finally onto something. I feel cheated, like my brain has suffered permanent damage, that my reaction to real people with real flaws is so unfairly conditioned. I did want to point out that a quick survey of the Success Stories shows about 19 out of the 20 women I saw were in fact wearing shirts. Or maybe I just live my life more quietly. When you are healthy inside your beauty shines on the outside. In about 50 more pounds I hope to shrink down to look like you. Which, as you beautifully point out, is kinda the whole point here. At 70 she set the Guiness World record for planking. Good on you both for standing up for what you believe in and for losing the weight. The focus of weight loss is ideally about feeling great, having energy, and getting the most out of this life while we are here. 5% body fat, size 40. However, if I wear something form fitting, my belly protrudes out, as most of my weight gain went to my waist, and the rest to my butt. And I deserve to be treated equal as well. I know that if I would have seen photos like mine I would have dealt with it a lot better when I realized that it could be this way. Cannot tell you how proud this article made me. Even stories that have nothing to do with weight loss are in bikinis are sports bras. Why I Refused to Put a Shirt on For Shape. If anything, the should want my picture on their site. As for SHAPE, they are a business that is more concerned with sales than the truth. I did this to try and show what a real body can look like without airbrushing. God Bless. There are probably some ways, aggressive and holistic, to shed the extra skin. She let me know that she would work on my piece and get back to me as soon as she knew when it would be published. When we tell ourselves that we will be happy when we lose the weight, get the right job, find the right man, etc. It could be that they are changing the focus of the section of the magazine to include less nudity (personally, I am getting tired of seeing everyone and their grandma in their underwear). The reason I read your posts is because you are real and you are not afraid to share your honest self with the world. We did the phone interview and chatted for about a half hour about my journey, my weight loss tips, and other things. Now, I want you to imagine for a second, an arm bone with a one-inch pad of fat surrounding it, kind of like foam insulation around a pipe. I to wondered and wish the truth would have been given. This incident might allow more people who have successfully lost weight to share their stories and true results. Society is pathetic for the way they want women to look. BURNED: 41 pounds of fat (from 274 pounds to 233 pounds and lost 19 inches off his waist at age 56. If I could look like you after that 170lb loss, it WOULD be well worth it. Good for you for standing in what you believe in. Good for you and big congratulations on your success. I just laughed at myself right along with the guys who were making fun of me, even though the truth is, I was silently humiliated. Thanks for doing what you did, and thanks extra-special-a-lot for posting about it. I am on my own weight loss journey right now and admire you a great deal. Congrats to you on all your amazing success. Thank you for standing up for not only yourself, but for. Great job so far never stop because others have given you a false sense of beauty. You are right Ideen about the average person being superficial, which is the group that Shape is probably trying to reach. It seems to me you are quite judgmental by assuming she writes a blog only to have others approve of her. Putting my arm around my waist to hide my belly has become a norm for me. Far beyond your magnificent accomplishments with your personal health this is a truly heroic act. You look fabulous and Shape should have showed the real you. I have read Shape for years, and I am so disappointed by this. Those two concepts (value and beauty) are completely different, and should be treated as such. That they had just stated it was their policy now to include fully clothed photos for the feature. Congrats to you on your success thus far. You are dead on about how we, as women, are supposed to be in an ideal world. Thank you for standing up for yourself and YES. Which is why the majority of people continue to be overweight, because there is no quick fix. I did it for the ones who want to know what a body can look like after extreme weight loss. Lol. You worked hard for your body and you should be proud. I Was Not Always A Best-Selling Author, Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer And Nutrition Consultant. I think it is amazing what you have done and as someone that has had a problem with their body since the age of 11, I find it awesome that you have that confidence I have never had. I have been sliced and scarred from two c-sections, three fistula surgeries, and a kidney transplant. My husband knew someone who did Burn The Fat and it changed his life, so I tried it too. I am so glad you stuck with your decision. So, thanks again, and big congratulations on all your accomplishments. I truly respect your actions and wish you all the best in the world. And it will once stories like mine get told. Thank you for sharing this post, keep spreading your good vibes. I dropped out of Bar Method because of this. Thanks for being an example of a healthy, beautiful woman and showing your own skin laxity. Something Had To Give, Or I Was Going To Be The Laughing-Stock Of The Gym. Shape was wrong in asking you to send a pic covered up and they lost out on featuring an incredibly inspiring person. In my opinion, she is telling the story to make ME and people like me feel better. And standing up for what you believe in. I have lost 188 pounds, and have loose skin. And maybe it is there policy for Success Stories, but like I said, they need to have that policy throughout the website then. Women like you give hope that it is possible. I wish there was a magazine out there that showed real stories like yours. Not only are you an inspiration to OTHER women, but you are brave. I think you are trying to force the shock value of your bikini photo on the magazine. What you did was important and truly inspiring, Brooke. I also found their responses very gracious-even apologizing for offending you. Being real is the catalyst that will set you apart and bring more readers to you than any high profile magazine will. I have been feeling very self conscious about my body and skin lately, which is sagging and covered in stretch marks after my own weight loss. Once we read the story, of course we see her body differently. Kudos to you for sticking up for REAL bodies. I appreciate your principled stance, on the one hand, but frankly, you do not look amazing in a bikini. I write it to help and inspire those who need it. on. For my question — does the excess skin not go away for some. It is true that the real body after weight loss is not the ones in the pictures where they probably had some work done. Before reading on, let me point out that this fat-burning system was originally developed by the leanest, most muscular athletes in the world, but it has now been re-engineered for regular people (non-bodybuilders). While I appreciate your attempt to be rational and explain your perspective, I think you did so without even checking the shape site. And no shame in winning the genetic lottery, being lucky in weight loss skin recovery, or not being so lucky. I believe that we have the power to change out bodies and our lives, but it gets exhausting trying to help people to understand that my SIZE 6 is really a size 2 with non-returnable baggage. Giving an expanded look at your successful weight loss story. Must have been a pretty quick survey, because I have found different. How well your skin rebounds depends on genetics primarily. Stephanie is right, Shape is not what it used to be. I love how you responded to Shape, and how you handled your situation. There Are Two Paths You Can Take From Here. We teach our children to be themselves and brave everyday so why not us. I can hide fat with a good cut of clothing. I have a lot of non appropriate words as well. It works whether you are a man or a women, and it works regardless of your age. I completely agree with you- as women we should be proud of our bodies and our achievements. Seeking health and strength has always been my motivation- and the motivation that lasts. I really think it is important that women, and men, can actually see what it looks like when someone looses that much weight. I Dreaded Taking My Shirt Off For Swimming Class. Yours is truly a story that should be celebrated, so that others might follow in your footsteps and we can all be truly proud of our achievements. Giving up junk food nor starting to run contributed to this body. BURNED: 75 pounds of fat (from a size 22 to a size 6) while working two jobs and caring for her autistic son. You guys shoulda discussed all this before they called and wanted to include you. I want to give you a huge high five, for standing up for yourself and what you believe in. BURNED: 34 pounds of fat, with two canes and bone-on-bone arthritis. If they do, it usually goes unnoticed and stays out of the media and someone else who just wants the limelight sells their souls to the devil for a bit of fame. Fuel your body properly and it will perform better. Hopefully Shape will rethink this and ask you to reconsider working with them and SHOW THE TRUTH. If Brooke really wanted to fight the fight or get to the bottom of this policy, she should have requested to speak with the editor, or even publisher. This just goes to show how superficial the world is out there. For me weight loss started out because I wanted to look good, but it then because much more than that once I realized that I already did. But how many would have actually paused long enough to read it. Because the most successful bodybuilders, fitness models and athletes will tell you that the foundation of all your results comes from training your mind first. Your before and after are incredible, bikini and all, and truly inspiring. we lose out on a whole lot of happy right-nows. I am so proud of you for standing up for your beliefs. Just wrote a post about this — so proud of you for sticking to your guns. Bravo for taking a stand and sharing the real truth about what happens when you lose a lot of weight. I hate when I buy a new outfit and have to throw it out with the tags still on because it looks NOTHING like it did on the model displaying the item. People like you are the reason I posted this. Both men and women are extremely aesthetic and personally even as a fitness professional, I would have been proud of her, but I would probably ask her to do the same thing so as to not discourage anyone from losing weight. After having 3 children and an epic battle with gravity that has lasted decades, I listen to my mom talk herself down from getting a bikini that looks stunning because she has excess skin on her stomach. I love putting myself out there to encourage others. Reason tells me that I was not alone in that, but it would be nice to see realistic photos represent the truth more often. Your real life, amazing weight loss story does not fit in with their idea of the fantasy they are trying to push. I am currently trying to lose weight and you have inspired me in a way no one has ever had and I thank you for that. As a fitness professional I respect her decision to do so but I can also understand why they might have wanted her to put a shirt on. For me, if goes back to what I always say, thin or fat. So what the fitness industry sells are say 90% lies. I think I needed to see you more than I ever realised. The respect that is needed in the fashion or advertising industry is paramount to getting young girls out of this make believe body image and into a more realistic ideal. As I was reading your post, I needed a Kleenex, it made me shed a tear. I weigh 210lbs less now than I did when I started my weight loss journey at 23 (back in 1989). While Brooke does look great, one must admit that the photograph is far from professional looking (note: professional does not indicate. Only one was in a sports bra, and she was doing kickboxing. You can wear clothes and still see your weight loss. The Second Element of Burn The Fat is your right nutrition. You should be proud of your body and the amazing transformation you made happen. I am so glad you posted this and gave your reasons. Shape should have included the picture to be honest. And I completely get that they are just looking to sell their publication. Perhaps I just need a bit more confidence. This is why I wear a bikini, because I do what I want to do. Yet You Absolutely Do Not Need To Be A Bodybuilder To See This System Work For You. In the early days, the only way to learn my system was to hire me in person, to train you one-on-one, in the gym. Congratulations on your hard work and awesome results. As a health coach, one of the first places I go with a client is to support her in building her confidence and loving her body AS IS. Women today are exposed SO MUCH to what society sees as the ideal body. The story I wanted to tell and shout out to the world, not their ideal story. It was hard to keep tact, but I knew it would be better in the long run to do so. Unfortunately, all you did was miss an opportunity to share your story with Shape readers. When they mentioned touching it up a bit, I had no idea. You need to be honest with yourself: your accomplishment is admirable, your body is not (at least, not admirable on its own admission, not inherently beautiful with no objections). Which, to me, seems worthwhile for health, personal hygiene, and aesthetics (though that last one is very subjective). You are very brave for posting this photo. It made me feel like my 2 yr struggle to get healthy meant nothing because I had loose skin on my belly and arms. Its your goal to share your incredible weight loss journey but its the magazines goal to sell magazines, its a business remember. My weight yo-yos thanks to a medical condition and bad habits. com. Also, I have to say this: we are all getting this story in context from Brooke. Thought I would look at comments and the very first comment I read could have been written by me. When I first saw you post this picture as the one you were going to send to Shape I thought to myself- there is one amazing woman. You should never be ashamed of who you are. A few hours later I received a phone call from the woman who interviewed me. Thank you, Anne Marie for you kind words. I needed to see someone who looks like me. Having worked at a magazine (bridal) myself, there are a lot of factors in publication, and yes, policies. I am so over pretty much every magazine these days. Reading your story is helping me come to terms with my body lumps, bumps and stretch marks from having kids. And commend you greatly for promoting the real story. The more my muscles popped, the more addicted I became to the training. You do look amazing and I want to say congratulations on your weight loss, weight maintenance, and being altogether an inspiration. Without fail, those who gloss over this at first and fail to get results, eventually realize the paradox that the biggest secret to physical change is mental change. I personally do not find your excess skin motivating or inspiring. Way to stand up for yourself, your beliefs, and for telling it like it is. Thank you for sharing this, and for sticking to your guns. I admire you so much for sticking up for yourself. I actually have no doubt that they will want to do that. But now that I love it, is it wrong for me to feel confident in a bikini. Taking a stand and being true to YOU is what we all achieve to do in life. To Show You How This System Works, First, I Need to Tell You A Story. That does not, however, give you the right to judge people who set out to INSPIRE others. , I agree with Jamie, first of all.

It seems like magazines want the fake, air-brushed, photo-shopped version of life. I was so frozen with that fear, I did nothing for years. My inner lady (and help of Emily) spoke up and conducted a response. I honestly and sincerely think she looks great physically, not that it matters. Thanks for coming out of hiding to comment, Heather. However, I ran my first half Marathon while going through dialysis, and my second half 4 months after my transplant. All of our actions, and those things beyond our control, have consequences, and having bad or misleading information only leads to incorrect assumptions and potential pain and suffering. This is coming is coming from someone who has personally lost 115 pounds-so I do understand your journey and thought process here-but I do believe you are being a bit too harsh on Shape. Just go to the homepage and I am on the cover and you should be able to read through the process I went through. I was featured on the back cover and the inside. Maybe that fact can be part of the story. Being someone who enjoys putting herself out there and finding new ways to reach people, I agreed. I have 130 pounds to lose and I already expect it but it should not deter you from your ultimate goal of getting healthy. Looking good in a bikini is not the most important thing in the world. They could have put a note saying what you just said here — about how it can be painful, how you want to wait til after you have kids to have it removed). Secondly, she DID opt out of participating in the magazine due to the policy. Kudos to you and your amazing success thus far. Stacy L. May 2, 2014 by Brooke 529 Comments A week or so ago Shape magazine online reached out to me. I want my daughter to grow up in a world where real people and realistic self images are the norm, and she can feel good about the person who she is. Now if only people like the one you were responding to got it. I think it is an amazing accomplishment and no one can take that away from you. Thank you for being a true example role model for many. She understood where I was coming from and I understood where she was coming from as well. How you handles the issue with shape with such tact, is impressive, I would not have been able to keep my cool like you did. No matter what lumps and scars my body exhibits, it has succeeded in goals that I previously found impossible. If you want to change your body on the outside, you must first change the image you hold of yourself on the inside. I hope it sparks you to change the way you have been conditioned to think. Let us all unite and learn to love ourselves and then teach our daughters to love and accept their bodies at every stage of life. I told her that if their policy was to have fully clothed people, then they needed to do that with the rest of the site as well. I wish we could get this message out to all young girls that think they have to look like those in magazines. I have to say, I am in the process of losing weight. I know weight loss shows, in particular, typically provide excess skin removal surgery because after a massive loss the skin does not, generally. The main goal should be HEALTH and WELLNESS. I think that has value, and should be recognized as such. If she had gone through the right channels, perhaps she would have determined what that reason was, instead of jumping to conclusions and crying. I need to side with shape on this one although not a fan Of the mag. My excess skin will eventually need to be surgically removed. You see, I was never seriously overweight as a kid, but by the time I was a freshman in high school, I was getting pretty chubby around the waist. Literally no palpable muscle at all, just bone and fat. Just take a look at these bodies side-by-side and tell me what you see. People should talk about what is real when it comes to weight loss. Now that said, your story IS amazing and very inspiring-and it does say something that they wanted to feature your story. And yes, the media continues to get it wrong. This is truly disappointing and sickening that they not only asked you to put on a shirt, but then told lie after lie after lie to cover up their goof. This is exactly what you want to avoid. I think your stand will get you much more notice than if you had caved to their demands. If I had a subscription to Shape, I would cancel it too, Miss Brooke. How some people can actually eat more and burn more fat. Be happy God made you perfectly in His image. For thinking how it would affect other women. Thank you. I guess the bad incident had some good results: You have great exposure to share this honest process and your story with others in need. I have read before and after articles where the women are completely covered from head to toe, and I have always wondered what they really looked liked- not to judge, but to really see the differences. You inspired me to keep it real and about the beauty of health today, thanks Brooke. I was to be a part of their Success Stories feature on the website, where there are women in bikinis. I even spiraled into an eating disorder with the notion that if I became anorexic skinny that eventually the skin would retract (I was desperate). If people saw you at the pool in your bikini playing with your kids they would be inspired by you. I stall out sometimes because I think about how saggy I will be when it is all over (I hold ALL my weight in the middle). I wear it because I want to, just like any other clothing item I own. Being asked to send a photo of myself with a shirt on made me feel like I again should be ashamed of my body. After typing all of this I realize that Brooke is simply ten steps ahead of me in confidence, and for bucking the business of portraying women in impossible standards. I think you look amazing and they need to publish the real you. Yes, she was caught in the middle and she was great to deal with. I crush most people in the gym (I was a college athlete 20 years ago so once I got going the results starting coming fast), just a matter of getting the rest of the weight off now. You may have been overweight but 50 pounds heavier does not make you FAT. I think for the most part, plenty of people realize that when you lose a lot of weight, you are left with lots of lose skin. She chose not to participate after finding out their terms late in the game. She was super friendly and I enjoyed talking to her. Thank God this is getting out in the open. First off, your weight loss journey is amazing, kudos to you for doing it ALL ON YOUR OWN and the healthy way. We need to remember that our bodies are only a temporary housing anyway. I respect you so much for standing strong in what you believe in. I think many plus size women would prefer to see the honest photos like yours. Thank you for being real, for trying to show women that this is the more realistic version of what you will see when you hit your target, and that its okay, it can be dealt with as well. While Keeping Their Lean Muscle And Building Their Metabolisms Into Fat-Melting Machines. 3 years of hiding my true form and I have been really shy about my body. They wanted to do success story feature on their site about me. Your weight loss story is YOURS and the point is to show real people right. Since I started horseback riding and eating less, I have lost nearly 50 lbs. Also telling them where they can shove my subscription to SHAPE. I was raised to stand up for what I believe in and I believe that if a website posts pictures of women in bikinis, then I should be given that same right. I have lived in a prison with this and the babies and weight loss at times has. I am glad that I have the platform I do to share my story and have so many people who are supportive. The common diet mistake almost everyone is making that leads to slow metabolism, hormone imbalance (including a sluggish thyroid), low energy and hunger pangs. I think you fully did the right thing in standing up to the magazine. Most all of their success stories are shirted. What Other People Have Experienced On Burn the Fat. Legalities aside, there has to be some room for editorial disclosure. I think you standing your ground is so incredible and I wish more people would do the same. There are thousands of sources on the internet telling stories of body confidence for nearly every body type you can imagine, but ours is not one you see a lot. Countless clients and readers have told me that until they mastered their minds, they could never stay focused, stay motivated or stick with their program. Shape is kind of clueless when it comes to the truths about weight loss. You are most definitely an Inspiration not only to me but, to so many others as well. Congrats on the healthy weight loss, and on standing up for what you believe to be right. She more than likely writes this blog to help others get to where she has been. They are a magazine who features amazing bodies on their covers. I love that you refused and that you kept questioning it. However, I recognize how that feeling is a manufactured reaction. Their reader base is diverse and not just people on weight loss journey. I love the fact that you stood your ground. He seriously does things like hiding the cookies and the ice cream. Filed Under: Body Love, Honest Tagged With: bikini, body love, self-love, SHAPE. then having no butt. This is a body after losing 172 pounds, a body that has done amazing things, and looks AMAZING in a freaking bikini. I do not know you but, I am proud of you for standing up for what you believe in. I appreciate you opinion, which is exactly what it is, YOUR opinion. Strength of character, determination and emotional well being is far more important. This photo is not inherently weird or disturbing. And the older you are, the worse the effects, because the older you are, the easier it is to lose muscle. I agree, I wish there were some more realistic stories our there in magazines. And I agree, they should have been more open with what radical weight loss looks like. If I could do a story in a magazine about that, that would be great. I have always hidden my body ever since I gained weight after having a hysterectomy because I felt uncomfortable about it. Each individual person is allowed to find beauty in what they like. After I lost 80 lbs as a teenager I still have a flap of belly skin I am self-conscious of and it made me wonder what was wrong with me. The world needs more people like you to inspire and be a TRUE example to others just as you have stated. You can find MANY women in bikinis on the site. I learned that every women should not be afraid to flaunt and should be proud of their body in all shapes and forms. I think you are going to inspire a movement with this post. Why all of the sudden is it their policy to have fully clothed people. You would see women aspiring to have a stomach like yours. In the end, I won because I stood up for what I believed in. We set up a time for an interview and I sent them the following after picture to include. The responses from her contact at Shape were respectful and courteous, and she opened the door for a phone conversation to further discuss, which it appears Brooke did not take her up on. My body is real, not photoshopped or hidden because I feel like I should be ashamed. This is a real side effect of significant weight loss and they missed the opportunity to showcase it. The reporter got back to me and said: Thank you. I am on my personal weight loss journey right now and reading your blog and seeing your pictures are giving me confidence that I can do it. If not, OBVIOUSLY you live your life more quietly. There was the potential to reach people still struggling that could have benefitted from your Success Story, so what was really won here. and WON my second contest the very next year, at just 21 years old. I awaited a reply and received the following the next day. I had gained considerable weight, and lost it. Its nice to there are people out there that are teaching others that being who you are is being beautiful enough. Before, I was 85 kg and 36. The perfect hourglass shape with no arm flab, a thigh gap, full lips, perfect breasts, and a flat tummy. Good for you for standing up for yourself and your story. They have even shown the scars from cancer survivors, so why not this. It IS up to the MEDIA industry to show realistic views of success stories. I can definitely see where you are coming from but I can see the other side too. Someday I hope it becomes different and it will if we keep trying to change it. That is SO NOT their editorial policy and anyone who has ever picked up that magazine knows that for a fact. I asked for opinions and I respect yours. I am twelve pounds into eighty pound weight loss, and I find myself inspired by her forthright attitude. You look nothing but happy, fit and healthy. I really admire your gall: both in rejecting SHAPE and in posting a bikini picture that our superficial society considers to be not ideal to what a woman in a bikini should look like. I just saw the Yahoo blurb and had to find this blog. No one wants to see the truth who live day to day working to make themselves a better person. Standing up for what you believe in so strongly is admirable and your story is inspiring. She then asked me to reconsider my choice to no longer be featured, that my story is great and I would get a lot of exposure from it. She said she understood and that was that. I think it is so important for girls to see women with real bodies, perfect or not. Everyone should be aware of what will happen or what they might look like after loosing XX amount of lbs the reality not the fantasy. You have made a tremendous accomplishment losing 170 pounds. I want to show others that they are not alone in how their bodies look. It gives you the ability to reach more people and help promote reality. Without the right eating plan that accounts for your individual needs and goals, everything else falls apart. The weight loss is about the inner stuff as well, which some of the article was to focus on. My skin actually can be painful due to flapping around and I tend to get a rash around my belly button from it. I did it to show others that they can love themselves no matter what. If You Come With Us, I Equip You With The Unbeatable Principles Of Success, And I Coach You To Apply Them To Your Unique Body. Finally-I stopped reading Shape magazine for the same reason mentioned by another commentator: it was starting to look too much like Cosmo or any other photoshopped fashion magazine, and the cover models looks more like anorexic modelsinstead of fitness models. Way to stand up for yourself and for all women out there who want their stories, their REAL stories to be shown and told. I saw this link on facebook because a friend of mine liked it. After I lost all my weight, I opted to have a surgeon remove my excess skin from my stomach and I am so glad I did. And yes I did spend years abusing my body because I hated it. No one has to tell me either way if I look good or bad naked. I find your blog and your story so inspiring and it has helped me to try to stick to my health goals also. We need this, we need to talk about the realities of weight loss and childbearing. And you are SO right about needing to be confident and loving your body AS IS. My (size 16) sister and husband harangue me when I wear form fitting clothes. We need to expose the nuances of the human form and most of all we need to love and accept our own bodies, because to the degree that we can accept our bodies, it is to that degree that we can accept the bodies of others. I will admit that I had a very similar reaction to the photo. Heck, first I had to be honest with myself. I just want to be fit and healthy for me. I canceled my subscription and took them out of my news feed because of just how wrong they get it. This is the type of body they should have featured because it can give people hope. You posted a page with two ladies in bikinis. working your butt off to get thin. Brooke, I hope you start your own site or magazine featuring people who have successfully lost weight and how their lives have changed. I probably would have done the same though because again, they have women featured in bikinis on their site. Brooke, A year ago, I weighed almost 300 lbs. About 15 years ago, I was the Collage Video weight loss story one month. The biggest diet industry lie that is literally right under your own feet. After an almost 100lb loss myself and in a size 6 now, I thank you for being brave. You and I both know it could have been handled better on their end. Unfortunately fantasy is what these magazines are selling. I canceled all fitness magazine subscriptions months ago because I would get down on my self and wonder what I am doing wrong when I would see the before and after pictures of extreme weight loss, and the after pictures showed no extra skin or stretch marks. We believe from the time we are little girls that to be beautiful we must have these things. I am ashamed of Shape- think of how many women there could be out there that would be inspired by your real and honest story also. They changed my hair color and straightened my teeth in the photo. Surely your fitness improvements are a badge of honor. BURNED: 122 pounds of fat (starting weight: 296 pounds). The loose skin is beautiful, and it is evidence of what you accomplished. But whenever i look in the mirror all i see are hanging lose skin although i can see my Abs inside depends on where i pull my lose skin. I am very happy for the author that she is healthier now and overcame her obstacles in having this type of weight loss. So many of us struggle to do the very thing that you have accomplished, and it is shameful for THEM that they are willing to put bikini-clad women all over their magazine and not include your picture. It hurts their business and it hurts the health, nutrition, and exercise business. I documented my whole surgical journey on the online cosmetic surgery forum realself. And good on her for being proud and not self conscious about that. Body shaming for any size, shape, or interim stage is horribly psyche damaging. I believe that 90% of the people posting here would turn away from the magazine with the picture above in it if they randomly saw it on the rack. But seeing you, which is so much more real a picture than what we see anywhere else, I see, WOW, YOU LOOK GREAT. You made me feel normal and in great company. And my story is still inspiring others without needing to be put on Shape. This is also the same fat-burning system I still use today to stay in shape after age 40. this makes you an even greater role model. Thank your for sharing your story, your photo and this example of ultimate strength and courage. It is weird and uncomfortable for me to see it. I am a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator specializing in treatment and prevention of artery disease and diabetes. We only get this to live our life once and we deserve to do it appreciating ourselves for the intelligent, compassionate and strong women that we are. I love your blog and your story really is inspiring. I know you are trying to show a point that all women should be happy in their own skin but we can still be happy with clothes on too. I love it that you stood up for yourself and really for every women who has had to face any kind of body image problem. I lost a lot of weight and have loose belly skin too. Staying in frequent contact with people in the Burn the Fat community, who were all heading in the same positive direction, made staying the course absolute. Upon first time sex with a new boyfriend I had to explain my belly and hid it as much as I could (usually they stared at first sight of it). All she did was write a blog explaining why. For me, wearing a bikini makes me feel fabulous and if that offends others, that is their issue, not mine. But if they really want to tell true stories of radical weight loss, they have to be prepared for what radical weight loss REALLY looks like pre-surgery. I wish I had your courage, to just put myself out there as I am. It worked SO well, I even placed in my very first contest. Thank you for sticking to your guns and not compromising. I Built The Burn the Fat Program From Scratch With One Purpose - To Get Real Results For Real People With Real Lives. For the record, I weigh 50 pounds less now than I did a few years ago. I lost 70 pounds over 6 years ago through healthy lifestyle changes and kept it off. Just look at Betty Lou Sweeney (Google her) she lost over 100 pounds. Thank you so much for being a real, honest inspiration to us other real people. Wow you are so strong to turn down that exposure in Shape, but of course I totally get where you are coming from. Way to stand up for yourself for everyone out there who has struggled with body issues. You would still see my weight loss with clothes on. You are an inspiration to others trying to lose weight. I find this magazine trying to cover up her true beauty a shame.

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