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Consequences of western diet on traditional japanese food - phenomenons of occidental fare on conventional japanese substance

01-02-2017 à 10:35:40
Consequences of western diet on traditional japanese food
Japan imports millions of dollars worth of shrimp, salmon, trout and tuna every year. A 1935 recipe for tofu calls for soaking dry soybeans in water for a day, pounding them with a stone mortar, straining into square molds and mixing with brine. Other nourishing broths are made with dried kelp ( kombu ) or dried shiitake mushrooms. Rice is the main carbohydrate food in Japan, consumed with every meal. Fermented vegetables in the form of pickles are served with all traditional Japanese meals. They say they want something the same temperature as their body or that something cold will make them sweat more. The manner in which food is presented in Japan is always attractive and distinctive, usually with handsome serving dishes and a great sense of proportion and harmony. Introduction In this paper I will attempt to describe the changing Japanese diet as a result of the ef fects of globalization. The shell fish was cleaned, salted, washed and fermented for 4-12 months. 8 This is only one-third the amount consumed in the US, but it is not negligible. Mean cholesterol levels increased from 150 in 1958 to 188 in 1989. Soy beans are a distinguishing feature of the Japanese diet, particularly fermented soy sauce used in most prepared dishes. Some housewives still make all traditional foods at home, from amazake to miso. In general, the Japanese do not like sugary desserts. Carp soup is traditionally given to women after childbirth. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins from seafood and organ meats and in minerals from fish broth, and contains plenty of lacto-fermented foods. Sometimes broken-up chicken bones are added to the stockpot. and the late Jomon era (1,000 B. Typical of foods still produced by housewives and artisans are various preparations of the famous umeboshi plum. It is eaten four days in a row after the birth of the child, even longer if the mother has difficulty producing plentiful milk. They are also an important ingredient in noodles and batters. 4 per 1000 per year. Natto has such a strong smell that restaurants serving it have separate natto -eating sections so that non- natto eaters can be spared the overpowering odor. They may also be made with rice, sweet potato or buckwheat. When the desired amount of shavings had been produced, the drawer was pulled out and the contents dumped into a pot of boiling water. They also enjoy mashed sweet potato or chestnuts covered with breading. MSG is used to make cheap soy sauces, thus driving out artisanal producers who traditionally took great care and up to three years to produce the delicious fermented elixir. He noted that the Japanese in these two regions had very low levels of serum cholesterol, consumed a diet extremely low in saturated fat and cholesterol and had low rates of coronary heart disease. Another brain food in the Japanese diet is seaweed, added to soups and used for wrapping sushi. Finally, I will end with current diet and health statistics and draw conclusions from these and previous discussed topics to theorize the future of. Then it is baked in the oven and served plain, without any sauce. Since World War II, the pattern of lipid intake has changed markedly in Japan. Dairy products used in Japan include milk, yoghurt and butter. However, the real basis of the Japanese diet is not rice but fish, consumed at more than 154 pounds per person per year 1 -almost one-half pound per day. It is made from the whole carp, including the head, bones, eyes and all the organs except the gall bladder, and cooked four to eight hours with barley miso and burdock root. East Asia alone consuming 35 of that 95 percent (Cambridge World History of. The typical Japanese dish of sushi originated in funazushi, a type of round shellfish from Lake Biwa in the Shiga prefecture of Japan. Factory-produced soy sauce can be turned out in the space of three days and contains, besides neurotoxic MSG, many carcinogens. A dish of cooked rice and red beans is made for festive occasions, such as weddings and births. A fundamental component of the Japanese diet is fish broth, made in a variety of ways. It was during the postwar years that the American researcher Ancel Keys wrote his famous Seven Countries Study in which he included groups from the Japanese districts of Tanushimaru and Ushibuka. Fish consumed in Japan come from waters surrounding the island nation and from around the world. There were many food shortages, particularly of fats and animal foods. 2 per thousand in the US. Noodles are usually eaten with chicken or duck, sometimes with lobster and often in broth. Generally there are two fish courses at each meal, one of cold fish and one of hot. Where rice cultivation was impossible due to climate in the pre-Meiji era, millet was a much more common staple. Effects of Globalization on Japanese Food Culture and Health by Cherise Fuselier. Average consumption of dairy foods in Japan is about 186 pounds per person per year, more than the total for fish. All meals in Japan are served with a weak green tea, made with one teaspoon of tea to six teacups of water. Each year thousands of Japanese ladies gather the famous umeboshi plums to make all sorts of plum delights, including salty pickled plums. It was primarily the Japanese data that allowed Keys and others to conclude that consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol caused heart disease. In addition, carp is farmed in fresh inland waters. Japanese chefs take much pride in developing an individual style with broths. The story is told of a woman whose husband was killed during the war. During fermentation, funazushi develops several kinds of organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid, all of which contribute to its distinctive sour taste and peculiar odor. Until recently, these foods were produced at home or by artisans. The bag is then closed and a 5 kg weight put on top. Almost without exception, Japanese sauces and marinades are based on soy sauce. Once an important dish in the area around Lake Biwa, the catch of the shellfish is decreasing year by year, due to water pollution, introduced species and shoreline destruction, thus making funazushi a rare and expensive food. 2. There has been a threefold increase in the intake of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, a reflection of increased prosperity that has allowed the Japanese to subsist on more than fish heads and rice. Grains Rice is certainly among the first foods one thinks of within Japanese cuisine. Many Japanese lived almost entirely on rice during the war. Their diet is low in fat, high in carbohydrates, devoid of dairy foods and rich in soy foods, we are told, and for this reason the Japanese enjoy the longest life-span in the world, with much lower rates of heart disease, osteoporosis, breast and prostate cancer than the US. Unfortunately, with the advent of cheap vegetable oils and processed foods, there has also been an increase in omega-6 fatty acids along with a lowering of the levels of omega-3 fatty acids. 10 The Japanese consider eggs to be a brain food. Pickled foods are an important adjunct to a diet that includes raw fish because they help protect against intestinal worms, which can be a frequent problem in Japan. Between 1958 and 1989, protein intake rose from 11 percent of calories to about 15 percent and fat intake rose from a scanty 5 percent to over 20 percent. These are partial truths and the relationship between diet and disease in Japan is more complex than we are led to believe. In the old days, the bonito could be purchased as a block of dried fish. Normal thyroid function is, in turn, vital for normal brain function. The pickled crustacean was sliced and served on rice. In 1989, Japanese scientists returned to the same two districts that Keys had studied. In the s outhern regions of Japan where rice cultivation was not possible pre-Meiji era, the more common staples of the diet were sweet potatoes, wheat, varieties of taro and radish, and millet (Naorai 11). Black tea, coffee and milk are also common beverages. On a hot day, most Japanese people, especially older Japanese, prefer hot green tea to anything cold. Japan has a small dairy industry but also imports milk products from Australia and New Zealand. Red beans are also used to make sweet cakes. C. Close examination of the traditional Japanese diet proves that, although very different from Western diets, Japanese cuisine embodies all the principles of nourishing traditional foodways. Fresh fish is grilled or baked and also eaten raw ( sashimi ). 7 They are then boiled until they become hard and firm. Eggs are consumed as omelets, custards and in soups. In winter time, they often add ginger to warm drinks as ginger is said to be warming. Seaweed provides an abundance of minerals, particularly iodine so vital for normal thyroid function. For the poor, it is the chief source of calories. It is true that the Japanese have lower rates of cancer than the US, although they are by no means cancer-free. MSG was used to flavor Japanese rice rations during the war and it is said that Americans who loved the taste of these rations helped introduce the flavoring into the US. The balls are put into a big bucket lined with a thick plastic bag.

6 to 7. In nutrition classes, Japanese children are taught to eat thirty different foods a day, and to aim for 100 different foods a week. Rice could not be cultivated in certain areas of Japan because of unsuitable climates until the Meiji era (1868-1912) when modern technology was implemented to combat this problem. A typical recipe for pickling lettuce, cucumber and turnips calls for sprinkling them with salt and allowing them to stand for about two days. One of these is sunki or pickled leaves of a type of turnip. In the mountainous regions where salt was not available, ingenious methods for producing pickles evolved. It is allowed to stand for five days and then eaten as the last course of a meal. Misconceptions about the state of health in Japan abound. The Japanese even import large quantities of beef offal. Agar-agar, a gelatin-like product used extensively in Japan, is derived from seaweed. 14 Many Japanese mothers get up very early to make lunch boxes containing neatly arranged portions of fish, meat, rice balls, pickles, and fruit for their children and husbands. Beef, pork and chicken are usually grilled and served with a sauce that contains soy sauce along with other ingredients such as merin (a sweet wine), sake (rice wine), vinegar or sugar. Favorites include daikon radish, eggplant, bamboo shoots and many types of mushrooms. Noodles made with wheat flour, egg yolks and salt are an important feature in the Japanese diet. It is the presence of adequate iodine in the traditional Japanese diet that makes it possible for the Japanese to consume soy products on a daily basis without adverse effects on the thyroid gland. ) (139). Almost all the soybeans used in Japan today are imported and there is a big demand for organic, non-GMO soybeans. The Japanese also eat many other animal foods including beef, pork, chicken, duck and eel. They range from pickled cabbage to eggplant to daikon radish. The Japanese have traditionally used a variety of fats and oils. Keys has been criticized for omitting from his study many areas of the world where consumption of animal foods is high and deaths from heart attack are low, including France. 12 This combination is eaten as a separate course with rice. During the period, mean body mass gradually increased, with overweight rising from 8 percent to about 13 percent of the population. 4 Consumption of beef liver, tripe and other organ meats is commonplace. Pickled melon is prepared by covering melon slices with sake (rice wine) and merin (a sweet wine) and sprinkling them with salt. The Japanese are said to avoid milk products but the statistics prove otherwise. In former times, it was said that if you could enjoy funazushi, you were recognized as a gourmet. One company in Japan prepares as many as 50,000 of these lunch boxes per day. They are added in small amounts to soups or used as seasonings. But they enjoy pounded rice ( mochi ) covered with sweet bean paste. The Japanese suffered greatly before and during World War II. The plum trees grow in the region of Mito Ibaraki where a park is home to 2000 plum trees, attracting three million visitors per year. Egg consumption in Japan is higher than in America (40 pounds per person per year, versus 34 in the US). Print - PDF - Email Japan is presented to the American public as a nation benefitting from all the dietary paradigms deemed politically correct. 13 The leaves are boiled and then inoculated with zumi, a small wild apple, and fermented for 1-2 months. A typical fish dish is hoshizakana, which is fish that has been marinated for 20 hours in a mixture of soy sauce and sweet white wine, then hung up for one day to dry. Eel served at restaurants is often accompanied with a soup containing eel innards. Beer is a common beverage, and also recognized as one that causes weight gain. For all types of cancer, the death rate for Japanese males is 149. 3. The broth is transformed into soup with the addition of vegetables, chicken, pork, tofu or eggs. Japanese preparation techniques eliminate most of the antinutrients in grains and legumes. Fish soup made from arajiru, the discarded portions of the fish such as the head and bones, was traditionally a common breakfast food. The researchers also noted-and here is the paradox-that the rate of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and sudden death did not change during this period, in spite of the fact that the Japanese weighed more, had higher blood pressure and higher cholesterol, and ate more fat, more beef and more dairy. Sumo wrestlers, who can weigh as much as 500 pounds, put on weight by consuming large quantities of beer, as well as lots of rice and a nourishing stew called chankonabe. 8 per thousand versus 163. Fish is usually eaten fresh-even delivered to the door by fishmongers-but it is also consumed in salted, dried and pickled form. Milk is available to school children and is recognized as a healthy food, one that helps Japanese children grow taller than their ancestors. A great variety of vegetables and fruits are sold in the shops and markets. As long as the Japanese get enough to eat, their diet is a healthy diet in surprising ways. C. In winter, amazake can be bought from vending machines. On ceremonial occasions and at banquets, a number of bowls and dishes are set before each guest, so that he may have a wide choice. Today it is found in almost all processed foods, including those now manufactured in Japan. Beef consumption has climbed in recent years, some of it locally raised but much of it imported. Those dishes not partaken of are carefully packed in decorated boxes and presented to the guest as he leaves. But even today, lard is available at the grocery stores in squeezable bottles and skillets in the better restaurants are greased with beef fat and lard. Deaths from cancer also went down in spite of the increased use of animal foods. Originally extracted from seaweed, MSG or monosodium glutamate activates glutamate receptors on the tongue and tricks the body into thinking it has eaten meat. Rice cultivation was introduced from China and is debated to have started between the third century B. In the year 2000, Asia was responsible for 95 percent of global rice cultivation and consumption, with. The mushrooms are placed in a pot of water and just before the water comes to a boil, the mushrooms are taken out and the dried sardines or bonito flakes are added. The famous Kobe beef is tender and full of fat. When they eat beans that are simply cooked, they use small red ones called azuki. Soups made of fish, including the organs and bones, are considered strengthening foods and good for anemia. High blood pressure became more common while the percentage of smokers decreased from 69 percent in 1958 to 55 percent in 1989. The Japanese recognize that soybeans need careful processing to remove naturally occurring toxins. The block of dried fish was run along the blade and the shavings would fall into a drawer inside the box. Their origins, past applications, and modern place in the Japanese diet will be examined. 9. This is the so-called French paradox, one of many. An interesting fermented fish product called kusaya comes from the island of Izu. The main fermented drink in Japan is a rice drink called amazake, prepared by boiling a block of malted rice until it becomes soft and drinkable. Delicious tempura-vegetables and fish dipped in batter and then deep fried-was cooked in sesame oil, rapeseed oil, whale oil, lard or beef tallow. Instead of salads, boiled spinach or watercress is served cold and seasoned with soy sauce. (The meat is deftly removed from the head with chopsticks, especially the meat behind the eye, which is extremely rich in vitamin A. Today, the Japanese are more likely to fry in cheap commercial vegetable oils. Although the rates of hypertension increased, stroke mortality declined markedly. The Japanese diet may seem monotonous to Westerners, but the Japanese actually put a great emphasis on variety. Even lunch boxes are an art form in Japan, containing beautifully decorated foods such as large prawns, rice rolled in seaweed, fish and pieces of fruit. During the postwar period of improved nutrition the Japanese average height increased three inches and the age-adjusted death rate from all causes declined from 17. ) Usually, however, fish stock is made with dried sardines ( niboshi ) or dried bonito flakes or powder ( katsuobushi ). Surprisingly, a fermented milk drink is sold in Japanese vending machines right next to Coke or Pepsi. Login if you are a previous user who would like to donate, order, or renew. This is about the same amount by weight as rice, but in terms of calories, fish provides a greater amount for most of the Japanese. Inside Japan: Surprising Facts About Japanese Foodways Posted on January 1, 2000 by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Various organ meats are usually served at specialty restaurants. Effects of Globalization on Japanese Food Culture and Health. It is no longer derived from a natural food. Delving deeper into Japanese cuisine, I will discuss Japanese food aesthetics and the impact of selected imported and fast foods.

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Consequences of western diet on traditional japanese food
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